S01E14 - Sarah Wagman Ellenbogen / DigiFresh
“Customers deserve to know.. they have a right to know what is in our products”
— Sarah Ellenbogen
Sarah Wagman Ellenbogen
/ DigiFresh
Sarah Wagman Ellenbogen is the co-founder and CEO of DigiFresh — who have created tools that allow for the merger of traceability and accountability with marketing and storytelling — in a way that feels organic to the brand and entertaining to the customer. After a career for building amazing partnerships between brands and technology organizations like Revver, YouTube, and Google, Sarah has now turned her focus to helping consumer brands tell their stories, and ultimately, witness them gain more trust and grow their customer relationships. If you’re interested in how the origin stories of goods are becoming more important for driving consumer decisions, what future awaits us, and how “good” is always the side to be on, then dive in and listen. She and Rob will take you there. This episode is guaranteed to paint a picture of a marketplace lush with accountability.