S01E03 - Leanna Creel / Vuse

“We spend a lot of time listening. We want to know what people need and what their pain points are.”

— Leanna Creel, Co-founder - Vuse



Leanna Creel / Vuse

Leanna Creel has been a fixture in the LA media scene as long as she can remember. With a rich history in front of and behind the camera - as an actor, filmmaker, and production company founder - she’s seen it all. Now she’s taking her experience to put the video in Vuse, a new platform co-founded with former Sotheby’s International COO Julie Leonhardt, designed to help realtors get the most out of the media tools contained in their smart phones.

Creel Studio


21 Miller Alley, Suite 210, Pasadena CA 91103 213-342-1268

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